
今日の南高 >> 記事詳細



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11月25日より本校で一緒に学んでいる留学生のHamish Long君ですが1月17日をもって留学期間が終了となります。昨日は所属している高校1年部で送別会を開きました。ヘミシュ君はなんと日本語でスピーチをしてくれました。彼にとって清水南高校での経験はとても充実したものであったようで、様々な思い出を一生懸命日本語で伝えてくれました。学年の代表生徒として、13HRでいつも彼の隣の席に座り、おそらく最も多くの時間をすごしたであろう生徒が英語でメッセージを送りました。国にとらわれない、国際的な友情が結ばれたことに深く感銘を受けました。以下はヘミシュ君からのメッセージです。

  I am an Australian exchange student who was given the amazing privilege of going to Shimizu Minami High School.  I spent two months of my summer vacation studying at this school.  Here I met some of the nicest students and teachers.  This school has a cheerful atomosphere and I quickly felt like I became a part of that atomosphere.  Everyone would talk to me and ask me to join them during lunch.  The teachers are some of the highest quality teachers I've ever seen.  They are nice but stern and have very successful teaching methods.  The teachers always included me in class discussions and activities.  I never, in the two months I was here, saw anyone being bullied.  Everyone was really nice and I have made some life long friends here.  When comparing this school to my Australian school, this one comes out on top.  Shimizu Minami is an amazing school and I'm so grateful they accepted me on exchange.  I have been exposed to some truly amazing experiences and I'm sad for my upcoming departure.  However, because of how nice all the students were, I will definitely return to see all my friends again.
Hamish Long
(Australian exchange student)